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Runtime Reference


Scalar Types

General Scalars

Bool1 ByteRepresents the set of all boolean values (true and false).
Number16 BytesRepresents an arbitrary-precision decimal floating-point value.
String24 Bytes

Floating Point Scalars

Float162 BytesRepresents the set of all IEEE 754 16-bit binary floating-point values.
Float324 BytesRepresents the set of all IEEE 754 32-bit binary floating-point values.
Float8 BytesRepresents the set of all IEEE 754 64-bit binary floating-point values.
Float12816 BytesRepresents the set of all IEEE 754 128-bit binary floating-point values.

Integer Scalars

Int81 Byte-(27) to 27 - 1Represents the set of all 8-bit integer values.
Int162 Bytes-(215) to 215 - 1Represents the set of all 16-bit integer values.
Int324 Bytes-(231) to 231 - 1Represents the set of all 32-bit integer values.
Int8 Bytes-(263) to 263 - 1Represents the set of all 64-bit integer values.
Int12816 Bytes-(2127) to 2127 - 1Represents the set of all 128-bit integer values.

Unsigned Integer Scalars

Uint81 Byte0 to 28 - 1Represents the set of all unsigned 8-bit integer values.
Uint162 Bytes0 to 216 - 1Represents the set of all unsigned 16-bit integer values.
Uint324 Bytes0 to 232 - 1Represents the set of all unsigned 32-bit integer values.
Uint8 Bytes0 to 264 - 1Represents the set of all unsigned 64-bit integer values.
Uint12816 Bytes0 to 2128 - 1Represents the set of all unsigned 128-bit integer values.

Composite Types

General Composites

MaybeRepresents the presence of an optional value or its' absence.
NeverRepresents a non-terminating computation.

Container Composites

ArrayListRepresents a fixed-length homogeneous collection.
ArrayMapRepresents a fixed-length homogeneous associative collection.
ListRepresents a variable-length view into an ArrayList.
MapRepresents a variable-length view into an ArrayMap.